Navigating The Narrative Age for Business Impact with Frank Wolf

Show notes

Why are some leaders great communicators and others not? Staffbase cofounder Frank Wolf, author of “The Narrative Age,” explores how narrative is the heart of effective communication.

Frank sits down with co-hosts David Burnand and Lottie Bazley to examine the gap between what is said and what is heard and how delivering the right messages to employees, stakeholders, and customers can increase business impact, help drive culture, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Understanding narrative can create company value, inspire employees, and breach division in a polarized world.

If you want to be a great communicator and influential leader, tune into Aspire to Inspire and hear Frank share research and wisdom from his groundbreaking new book.


Get your copy of “The Narrative Age” today!


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David Burnand, Lottie Bazley and Frank Wolf

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About Staffbase: Staffbase is the fastest-growing, most experienced employee communications platform provider for enterprise companies seeking to inspire diverse, disconnected, and distributed workforces. Staffbase is on a mission to empower communicators worldwide with a platform that equips companies aspiring to reach every employee with communication that inspires them to work together to achieve business outcomes.

Headquartered in Chemnitz, Germany, Staffbase has offices worldwide, including New York City, London, Berlin, Sydney, and Vancouver.

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