Leveraging Nonverbal Communication for Leadership with FBI Special Agent Joe Navarro

Show notes

If you want to be a leader who inspires and doesn't underwhelm or intimidate, this is an episode for you.

Aspire to Inspire co-host Lottie Bazley is joined by the inimitable Joe Navarro, a former spy catcher and retired FBI agent who is now one of the worldwide leaders in nonverbal communication.

Joe joins Lottie to share his decades of expertise in applying nonverbal lessons to leadership strategies. The two explore how we should carry ourselves in the age of Zoom calls, be people who inspire others, and project the right kind of confidence.


For more information about Joe, including a complete list of his books, visit his website. You can also check out his bestseller "What Every BODY Is Saying" or follow him on LinkedIn and YouTube for more content.

Mentioned in the podcast: The Still Face Experiment


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Lottie Bazley and Joe Navarro

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