Overcoming Self-Doubt: Dr. Abbie Maroño on Imposter Syndrome & Leadership

Show notes

Ever wondered how to contend with the foe that is imposter syndrome?

Aspire to Inspire cohost Brian Tomlinson is joined by Dr. Abbie Maroño, a brilliant behavioral scientist ranked in the top 1 percent of her field.

Dr. Abbie examines our feelings of inadequacy and how to deal with thoughts that we are undeserving of our success. She addresses limiting beliefs that can interfere with achieving business goals.

In addition to exploring actionable steps for overcoming self-limiting beliefs, Abbie addresses other topics such as how to maintain a sense of humanity while integrating AI into the workforce.


Dr. Abbie serves as the Director of Education at Social Engineer LLC. She is also an accomplished author and TEDx speaker.

Check out one of her talks on YouTube here.


Follow the host and guest on Social Media: Abbie Maroño on LinkedIn, Abbie Maroño on Instagram & Brian Tomlinson on LinkedIn

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